
Saturday 14 February 2015

WorPress Daily Prompt: A Feline Ode

Write an ode to someone or something you love. Bonus points for poetry!

tuna fish is good for you

What is it that causes a feline to drool
A mouse, a bird, no something quite cool
We love it, we need it, it is all in the wish
So give us a break with a tuna fish dish

There are things in this world that give us a high
No, it is not a jump or a piece of mouse pie
It goes to our head, I will give you a tip
We sniff it and roll it, a shot of cat nip

The life of a feline does not need an ode
We sleep and we eat, we think and we load
Our thoughts are a dream, but we have just one wish

Yes, I can only repeat it, give us tuna fish dish

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WordPress Daily Prompt: Cupid's Arrow 2

Write an ode to someone or something you love. Bonus points for poetry


Cupid shot an arrow
It was two years ago
I wrote about it then
To tell my tale of wow

I do not feel like writing
an ode to anyone
I have just been in the garden
Cutting trees, it was not fun

Mr. Swiss was helping, 
he was also not so keen
We chopped away at branches
I felt so very mean

’Twas then I saw a flower
It was blossoming so well
A crocus had survived
so yellow and so swell

Cupid did his best
to compensate for pain
My back was hurting and my feet
But a crocus was a gain

The ground was wet and soggy
There still was snow around
It was cold and mucky
but I was safe and sound

Because the work was done
I sat and drank some tea
and then I turned my aching neck
An what was it I did see

Last week there was a bargain
Mr. Swiss went to the store
He brought home a lovely orchid
For me and him and more

My pain it went, all misery gone
An orchid smiled at me
I forgot the trials of writing a blog

And drank my cup of tea

Friday 13 February 2015

WordPress Daily Feline Prompt: The New Feline Waste Disposal Unit

Most of us have heard the saying, “That’s the best thing since tuna fish!” What do you think is actually the best thing since tuna fish?

Fluffy in the cat tray

“Mrs. Human, is their no privacy here?”

“Fluffy I wanted to show everyone what a nice new cat tray you have.”

“That is OK, but not when I am using it. I am sure you would not like me to take a photo when you used your toilet thing, although we felines find that a waste of good water. Every time you are finished with the human tray, many bowls of good water disappear and it is such good refreshment.”

“Fluffy is right Mrs. Human, a waste of good water. Tell me Fluffy, how is that new cat tray? I haven’t tried it yet.”

“It’s Ok, Tabby, although does not smell as good the the old tray. It does not yet have that certain “uumph” that a real cat tray needs, but I am doing my best.”

“Fine, Fluffy, I will try it later. At the moment the snow is disappearing outside and there is nowhere better to squat in the open air and mark your territory.”

“If Mrs. Human lets me out, I think I will also do some territorial spraying.”

“Felines I also have a flap to the entrance. Shall I install it.”

“No, Mrs. Human, do not add insult to our private business. We like to have a circulation of fresh air to our cat tray and certainly do not need a flap.”

“But Mrs. Human, I heard you can get perfumed sand for the tray. That would be a good idea.”

“Oh yes Fluffy, I wonder if it comes in tuna or salmon scent.”

“No Fluffy and Tabby, it comes perfumed. That might be a good idea. Yes I think I will buy some the next time you need it.”

“Perfumed? No Mrs. Human, can you get it laced with catnip.”

“With catnip?”

“Yes, that would be great. Like you and Mr. Human might take your iPad thing to the human tray, we could enjoy the effects of catnip whilst doing what all good felines do in their tray.”

I decided to buy the normal unperformed sand. You can never please a feline it seems.

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WordPress Daily Prompt: Sliced Bread 2 and Digital Photography

Most of us have heard the saying, “That’s the best thing since sliced bread!” What do you think is actually the best thing since sliced bread?


Naturally the prompt I wrote in 2013 is about the best thing since sliced bread. It was not a bad prompt and I told everyone about it, mainly that I do not like sliced bread. Now two years later I have to find something else to write. I do not have to, but I will, because I have nothing that comes to mind to otherwise write about.

The problem is what shall I write about? Yes, I could write about the computer, but we all write about the computer, so something completely different. To take a photo in the supermarket would not have been possible a few years ago. First of all because I would not have a camera in my handbag, or for that matter a mobile phone. No, I would have been without a photo of my daily buying spree. Unfortunately the meat and cheese stuff is buried  beneath the salad, cereal, frozen cheesecakes and a large bag of potato chips, but it is a digital camera. Mr. Swiss did mention I should hurry up, the lady at the till is waiting, He is even on the photo in the background.

So let us praise the digital camera where we take photos of stuff we would never take in the pre digital camera days. Our family camera was reserved for holiday photos when you bought a roll of film and inserted it in the camera, accompanied by many profanities because those cameras were never easy to handle. The results were usually blurred images of people dressed in bathing suits and perhaps with a sharp ray of sunlight cutting the photo in half as if a curse had been pronounced on the image. The photos were naturally all in black and white, at least ours were. We could not afford coloured film and it did not come into the question. 

I would probably have ignored photography as a pastime, something to have fun with, were it not for Mr. Swiss. Yes, he is my inspiration in all new developments (although he never did become a friend of the Apple computer - another story). The first progress in the camera world was a 35 mm camera, which did not really make an impression on me. Then the instamatic cameras arrived which were OK, but not the egg yolk of photography.

One day Mr. Swiss brought the first digital family Angloswiss camera home. I was still not impressed, but at the time I was busy changing diapers and bringing up the next generation. One fine day Mr. Swiss decided on a new digital camera offering me his old camera. I took this object in hand, pressed the button and I had action. I pressed the button again. after a year and a few hundred photos, I bought my own digital camera. That was the first of many. No-one was safe from Mrs. Angloswiss, I had become the female version of Ansel Adams, although he did it all in black and white and developed it himself and I was in full technicolour online. Perhaps I was more a female Walt Disney. No-one and nothing was safe. I was taking photos everywhere. Now the digital age was upon us, and a grey haired lady armed with a camera was uploading her photos onto the computer. I now have over 10,000 online, although not all public. 

In the meanwhile I had bought a Nikon DSLR camera. Mr. Swiss was still hovering in the background with a normal average digital camera. You will find me in the supermarket, on the street, in the train, at the airport, in the garden, in the home and even perhaps squatting in an awkward position in the garden attempting a photo in the life of an ant or bug. As the years passed I gave up with the squatting as I discovered it became increasingly difficult to regain an upright position. My interest in the microscopic life of insects was discovered. There was no spider safe from my lens. Even flies were photographed in all sorts of positions. 

I take a photo of each and every orchid that enters the home. Unfortunately a disruption of ornaments is necessary to place them in the right place for ideal light and I tend to forget to replace the ornaments in their original place. “What did you say Mr. Swiss? That bowl of oranges does not belong on top of the television? Ok I will return them to their normal place of rest.” As you see my photographic talents are sometimes ignored. I am sure that Ansel Adams did not have to be careful where he put a bowl of oranges when he was taking one of this prize suspicious works. Even I now sometimes do it in black and white. With a computer, photoshop or whatever the programme is, everything is possible.

So I did it again Daily Prompt. I wrote a second prompt on a prompt that I had answered two years ago and I do not care. You will not stop me, I will continue despite all obstacles cast on my path to daily prompt fame. I am very seldom at  loss for words and I will win. I will probably be the last remaining prompt writer in the history of the Daily Prompts, just bring them, I will do it.

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Thursday 12 February 2015

Carnival in Switzerland, Solothurn

Today was “shmutzige Donnschtig” (dirty Thursday) and the first day of our carnival season in Solothurn (Fassnacht) which ends next week on Wednesday. Solothurn is the town just down the road. It begins at 6.00 in the morning, so the people in our village have to depart at 5.00 in the morning to arrive in Solothurn in time. It is a very special sort of thing. Those taking part this morning have to wear a long white nightdress with a red necktie and a white nightcap preferably with a tassle. They carry anything with them that makes noise and they really make noise. This morning there were 6,000 people on the procession through the town. It is all very organised with the chief Chesslete man leading the procession and everyone following.

After the procession everyone visits the local restaurants, if there is still room, and eat flour soup and warm cheese cakes. It is all in the name of tradition. Me, as english person, had never known carnival. I am not a friend of it, too much noise and too much excitement, but those that grow up with it have it in their system. Anyhow here is a YouTube film of this morning’s procession with all the trimmings. You will not understand very much as it is all in Swiss German, but I am sure the pictures will be something completely different.

WordPress Daily Feline Prompt: Feline Nickel

Dig through your fur and see what you find.

Nera the Cat having a wash

“I am constantly having a dig though my fur.”

“So am I Tabby, surprising what you find sometimes.”

“Yes that’s true. Only yesterday I felt that something was causing a disturbance.”

“Tabby, I really do not want to know your fur life details.”

“Ok Mrs. Human, stay cool, we felines just live with it. I remember when my departed sister Nera used to have a fur clean, all sorts things would appear. Once there was a …….”

“No, Tabby, please. I do not want to know the internal life of feline fur. I remember very well when Nera lost a few of her passengers.”

“So do we Mrs. Human. There would be a big red mark on the floor where you accidentally trod on one of the passengers that had been having a meal.”

“Fluffy, you mean tics. Oh yes, I have had them, but they do not stay so long. It is the ants that like to pay a visit in summer. That is when I have a scratch now and again and they fall out.”

“I know Tabby, I have that problem as well. Mr. Human once pulled a tic out of my fur. He was not very happy about that, neither was I.”

“Fluffy, Tabby, please talk about something else. The internal life of your fur does not interest me.”

“Of course it does Mrs. Human, we remember when you got all excited because you found two dried up snails in Nera’s fur. You were not very happy.”

“I was not, that’s true, Nera seemed to be a taxi service for everything that crept in the garden.”

“Not to mention a few of those wiry seed pods, but she knew how to get rid of it. A good scratch and it was dispersed.+

“Yes, felines, all over the place and I had to clear it up afterwards.”

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WordPress Daily Prompt: Buffalo Nickel

Dig through your couch cushions, your purse, or the floor of your car and look at the year printed on the first coin you find. What were you doing that year?

I did this two years ago so I decided to see what was offered with “Try Another Prompt” - you never know. Now, I do. It said “re-do a prompt that you once wrote”. Is this a never ending vicious circle of prompt? Probably, so I decided  to ignore the jokers at WordPress, I am too busy with other stuff.

We don’t have buffalos in Switzerland, just cows, and up to now no-one has decided to put them on a coin or a bank note. They have their purpose, they give milk and fertilise the fields. We also do not have nickels, but rappen. The French call them cents, and I believe so do the inhabitants of our english colony across the pond, but we Swiss Germans call them Rappen.

And now for something completely different.


When I uploaded this photo of a blackbird in my garden I was astonished.

“I am just a normal blackbird feeding on the seeds you put out in the birdhouse, there is nothing to be astonished about.”

“Yes blackbird, but not wanting to annoy you, it seems to me that you are becoming rather round with all this food. I think we are over feeding you.”

“I don’t think so, never had it so good. Would even have it better if the sparrows would keep out of the way.”

“There is enough bird food for all.”

“Yes, but first come first served, although I told the missus to go easy on the food, her slimline is slowly disappearing. Who wants a cuddle with an overweight blackbird.”

I decided to move on and left the blackbird to his pecking enjoyments, although I really have a feeling that they are a little overweight. It was only yesterday when one fell off the birdhouse platform, losing its balance through overweight. Mr. Swiss did mention he thinks we are overdoing it.

Today was the day when we received post from the Swiss government enclosing the tax forms for 2014. The job has already been done, it was a quick one this year. Like all good Swiss citizens Mr. Swiss was prepared for this day, and most of the work had been completed. I had been supplying him with my information for the past month and now the job is almost done.

We also got three thick envelopes from the Swiss government supplying information for the next Swiss voting day. I asked Mr. Swiss what it was all about. He told me and five minutes later I had forgotten it all, so it was probably no so important. I told him to do the usual, which means I will just have to sign on the dotted line and trust his opinion. I do not have time for long political discussions, I have daily prompts to write.

Wednesday 11 February 2015

WordPress Daily Feline Prompt: First Feline Light

Remember when you wrote down the first feline thought you had this morning? Great. Now write a post about it.

Fluffy - how can I get back without walking on the snow?

Fluffy is it cold outside?”

“No, not really Tabby. Just have to fluff up your fur.”

“Are the birds pecking?”

“Oh yes, Tabby, but only the big birds.”

“Oh, I think I will wait in that case.”

“I am returning Tabby, I have wet paws. My first thought this morning was “let me out”, but it was not such a good thought.”

“I had the same thought Fluffy, but I decided to wait and see what happened to you. I have now come to the feline conclusion that it was a negative thought and decided to see how you faired in this Winter landscape.”

“Tabby, can you speak normal meow. I did not catch every meow you said.”

“That is because my level of feline intelligence is quite high on the scale. I was reading a book by Sigmund Claw and he says that felines should not always jump through the cat flap without considering the consequences. We should write down every morning our first thought, digest it and then take action.”

“Oh, I see. My first thought this morning was “I want to go out”.”

“It was mine as well Fluffy, but that is the problem. Our thoughts are far too integrated with each other. It all derives from the Felinus complex pawed down from generations of felines, all seeking the truth. As Sigmund Claw said “The great question that has never been answered and which I have not yet been able to answer despite my thirty years of research into the feline soul is “What does a feline want?”.”

“Do you know the answer Tabby?”

“No, not yet, but one day I will find it.”

“I know the answer Tabby.”

“You can enlighten me? You can resolved the unanswered question that Sigmund Paw carried to his grave?”

“Its simple Tabby. Any feline knows that.”What does a feline want” - A daily dish of tuna fish, garnished with catnip and perhaps a pinch of tarragon.”


“I read that in the book written by the famous feline chef cook Jamie Whiskers.”

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WordPress Daily Prompt: First Light

Remember when you wrote down the first thought you had this morning? Great. Now write a post about it.

Garden in Snow

No, I do not remember when I wrote down the first thought I had this morning, simply because I did not write it down. I was too busy wondering what the time was, which joints were aching and how to get to the toilet without falling and breaking a leg on the way. I should write a post about this? I do not think that anyone  in their right mind would be interested to know how I survived this morning ritual. 

It seems that this is something great to write about. A subject that all bloggers are waiting to hear about. Do you really want to know about this? No, of course not, you all have your own getting up problems in the morning. 

Sorry, but this is a short blog because I have been there and done it before, because it is a very boring subject and it nerves me to do the same thing again two years later as if my first thoughts in the morning are different in 2015 to 28th February 2013.

 I could tell you that the birdhouse had no food, due to a blackbird invasion yesterday. I could tell you all about my new tooth brush that I picked up under guarantee at the local supermarket this morning. Yes the other died after only a year in use. As it was a Philips Sonic toothbrush which cost about 170 Swiss Francs, you do not throw them away and buy a new one. You search for the guarantee and take it to the supermarket. They send the toothbrush to the Philips who then discover the toothbrush cannot be saved and dies a quick death in the happy hunting grounds of Philips Sonic toothbrushes, but not without being replaced. I am now the proud owner of a new Philips sonic toothbrush. Luckily I had a second sonic toothbrush in the meanwhile, thanks to Mr. Swiss who had a spare toothbrush for his water pic. It is the American cousin of the Philips toothbrush. My teeth are saved and I can smile again, reflecting the sunlight which makes them sparkle.

Of could this has nothing to do with my first thought this morning. I was still making a effort to stand and leave my bed before I thought of this important “save the teeth” excursion. I also thought about opening the curtains in the bedroom and taking a glance outside to see if we were submerged in snow, but this was not the case. The snow was still there but the sun was out.

You know what, I cannot be bothered. I write daily my words of wisdom for a prompt that is resuscitated from the graveyard of forgotten prompts. I feel stupid, being taken for a ride. Am I the only survivor of the original Daily Prompt veterans? Who really cares what my first thought in the morning is. If I was Dracula I would be glad to lay in my coffin somewhere in the depths of the cellar after a night out at the local blood bank. I would have no first thoughts, I would be sleeping my nightly blood quenching session off. 

Mr. Swiss is making his first cup of coffee when I am having my famous first thoughts of the day. His first question of the day when I arrive in the kitchen is “What was your first thought of the day, did you write it down”. I ignored these words wondering where he found this stupid question. Perhaps he has a photographic memory and remembers it from the years gone past when I wrote daily prompts with enthusiasm.Unfortunately these moments no longer exist. I almost fear to read what today’s prompt is. How can I win a Pulitzer or Nobel prize when I have to deal with the same things daily. My rise to fame in the Blogger world is being disturbed. This is not 50 Shades of Blog, but 50 Shades or repetition. I am amazed to see that I actually managed 762 words about this stupid prompt.

I am not sure if I will see you again tomorrow. This prompt was originally 28th February 2014, and we will have to wait two years until 29th February 2016 arrives. Tell us about your first leap year. Did you have fun, did you realise it only happens every four years, and what was the best 29th February you ever had.

Tuesday 10 February 2015

WordPress Daily Feline Prompt: The Feline Transporter

Tell us about a sensation — a taste, a smell, a piece of music — that transports you back to kittenhood.


“No definitely not, I live for today and do not dwell in the past. What about you Tabby?”

“What’s past Fluffy? Although I do remember the smell of the cat nip I had a few minutes ago.”

“That is something different Tabby. Catnip remains, you even want more. Any stuff left?”

“No Fluffy, we will have to wait until one of the human dealers decides to let us have some. But there is a smell in the air that reminds me of something. Yes, I know, it is potato chips.”

“You mean those crispy things that crumble. I don’t know what you find so interesting in that smell Tabby. Mrs. Human says you make a mess because you just lick them and do not eat them.”

“Who cares what a human says, I am feline and that is important. Potato chips have a sort of flavour that is indescribable.”

“Everyone to their taste Tabby. I love yogurt. Mrs. Human used to give me yogurt. I would lick the dish until it was empty.”

“Another human trick Fluffy. I would not touch that yogurt, beneath my dignity.”


“Fluffy after a visit to the vet we were given a dish of yogurt, but I soon discovered the trick.”

“Which was?”

“Didn’t you notice the little crumbs in the yogurt. Mrs. Human was spiking the yogurt with some sort of stuff the vet gave her. I think they had the mistaken idea that we had worms.”

“Oh yes, worms are tasty Tabby, but I didn’t find any worms in the yogurt.”

“Of course not, the worms are your passenger, and Mrs. Human decided to give you a tablet to kill them.”

“Aha, but I never saw a worm and who cares.”

“Mrs. Human cared it seemed.”

“Don’t you have worms Tabby?”

“No, and neither do you. They developed something new. They put it on the back of your neck and it spreads in your fur. Another secret device for killing our passengers. Very sly, I cannot even reach the back of my neck.”

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WordPress Daily Prompt: The Transporter

Tell us about a sensation — a taste, a smell, a piece of music — that transports you back to childhood.

TMC Wholesale

It’s difficult to write the second way around about something you wrote about two years ago, especially when as usual you write away with memories of the past. An impact is when you start your school life at a new school. Not just a school. Up to that time you were learning to read and write and now you could do it, so you take an exam and depending on how good you are you start a new school. Me being bright and brainy I past the examination and arrived at a so-called grammar school. Now this was something completely different. We had to wear uniform. If we had been given a rifle to go with it, we would have been an sort of troop of army cadets. We were fighting, but not with guns, with books and words and arithmetic. We were ready to learn.

We were all dressed the same. There was a large department store in a place called Holborn in London known as Gamages which supplied the uniform. This store no longer exists, it made way for a new building development in the town of London. My school no longer exists, it amalgamated with another school, but this was after my time. They probably wanted to preserve the memory of me being there. Did they put a plaque on the wall saying “Angloswiss was here”?. I cannot remember. 

Uniforms costs money, but mum and dad paid out for it. I do not know how they managed that one, because money was always a sore point in our household. We never seemed to have it. As long as a meal is on the table was the motto, but mum could not cook and what she served was not my sort of thing. She always cooked too much and I dread to reflect on what was thrown away. I am digressing. Mum bought the uniform.  

The new school colour was basically green. I have blue eyes, so blue always looked good on me. I had dark hair so blue would have been fine, but no it had to be dark green and to put the cherry on the cake we had a second colour which was a shade of red that clashed completely with the green.  A red and green striped tie with the beige schoolshirt. Yes, we resembled traffic lights. Thank goodness there was no room for yellow to complete the picture. We had to wear brown shoes with the uniform. Another cost point, but mum bought them in the local shop where she could organise tokens for which she payed weekly. Yes all my shoes came from this shop which was not the last scream in fashion.

To complete the appearance you had to have something to carry your books to school. Luckily we had Uncle Jim. Uncle Jim was a professional book binder by trade, his main workplace being the City of London where he bound the old books belonging to the banks. I remember that Christmas and Birthday presents from that part of the family were mostly combined with leather bindings. I once received a large leather bound scrap book (so did my cousins) for Christmas. I used it for my collection of old Christmas and Birthday cards. Uncle Jim was asked and a new leather briefcase was produced. I had to look like a 100% professional grammar school person when going to school. No, not any old bag, but a real leather case with a lock on it. If part of the school uniform had been a bowler hat and umbrella, I would have looked like a city gent.

So there I was, the first day at the new school in my green uniform, which really did not suit me and an Uncle Jim solid leather brief case. Mum,  being mum, gave me an apple for my school break which was carried in my new Uncle Jim leather briefcase. The briefcase was new and had a very strong smell of leather. Probably something between a cow and pig, who knows. This smell mixed with an apple was my smell. I am not a keen eater of apples. They are OK, but not my thing. I only really like berries, perhaps pineapple or an orange, but apples are so boring. Yes, they remind me of my school days and my real leather briefcase. I was not alone with the briefcase thing, my colleagues at school were also equipped with briefcases, but naturally not an Uncle Jim briefcase. I think the main thing about the Uncle Jim version was that it was a good price. Everything had to be a good price at that time.

My briefcase and apple smell combination carried me through the first year of my new school. I would add that this briefcase was not a light weight transportation method. Time changes and luckily the new development was large shopping bags, they were fashion. I had enough room for an orchard of apples in my new bag and most important, it did not smell of cow, goat, pig or any other four legged farm animal. To this day the smell remains somewhere in the back of my nose. I now live in farm country, but if I take a walk and pass a cow field neighbouring an apple orchard, yes, I think of Uncle Jim, the briefcase, and my first days at school.

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Monday 9 February 2015

WordPress Daily Feline Prompt: Feline Screen

Take a quote from your favorite movie — there’s the title of your post. Now, write!


“Is that you Tabby?”

“Yes Fluffy, in one of my best roles. Unfortunately it was my only film.”

“I remember Tabby, it was in the film “Who Killed The Vet” and your famous words were “I will kill them all”.

“Yes it went down in film history. I was a hero, a flame of hope for all felines subjected to the visit to the vet. Do you remember how I pounced on the jabbing machine and clamped it between my teeth. The vet and his assistant came nearer, offering morsels of tuna fish, but I refused. I looked the other way and when they though they had me I pounced. They were screaming for mercy so I jabbed. I then gave a sly feline smile and applied my claws.”

“What happened afterwards Tabby.”

“The director said cut and we all had a break. They had to renew my makeup, painting my teeth red and giving me contact lens coloured red. I was a success.”

“Did you get a Flosker for your performance.”

“No, unfortunately not. The co-star Cleo took the Flosker. She was playing the heroine. I had to rescue her from Butch, a ginger tom cat,  who had decided to kidnap her.”

“Did you rescue her?”

“No, I was too busy killing the vets and the silly feline fell in love with Butch and she lost interest in me, although I would have fallen for Butch if I had the chance, but I was too busy killing the vets.”

“Oh, but did you make another film.”

“They killed me off in the first film. A giant tuna fish swallowed me. That was the end of a career in film. My famous last words were “After me, the fish”.”

“And who ate the fish.”

“Butch, Cleo and me. It was the last night of filming at the studio party.”

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WordPress Daily Prompt: Silver Screen 2

Take a quote from your favorite movie — there’s the title of your post. Now, write!

This is what happens if your print out the the top 100 movie quotes from internet, because I only know a few.

Red Sky over Feldbrunnen

And as the golden sun sinks slowly in the West, we have yet another fantastic rehash of a daily prompt from 2013. It is the stuff that dreams are made of. I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore You know WordPress once tried to treat me with an old prompt. I ate their liver with some fav beans and a nice chianti, but it was a bit tough on the indigestion. Hannibal Lecter made a better job of it, but he was used to it. I see dead people but greed, for the lack of a better word, is good.

It is all so elementary my dear Wordy  and we all love the smell of napalm in the morning but daily prompt we have a problem. What we’ve got here is failure to communicate but love means never having to say you’re sorry, so just show me the money and I will come up some time and see you.

I actually like WordPress and the daily prompt, as the Godfather said “keep your friends close, but your enemies closer”. Probably why I always turn up regularly, and remember I hate wire hangers, so be my precious and snap out of it. 

I really did not know where to go with this one so I had to take a seat and a drink, a martini, shaken, not stirred. The guy who served it said his name was Bond, James Bond, but I did not believe him. He looked more like something from the Planet of the Apes so I told him to get his stinking paws off me, he was just a damed dirty ape.

“They’re here”

You talking-to me? “It was me, E.T. phoned home and I can see them landing outside.”

E.T. you are gatecrashing my show.

They always said that the daily prompts were like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get and they were right. Well nobody’s perfect I suppose. Shane, Shane, come back. Who the heck is Shane? I don’t remember that one, must have been something out of Solent Green. Oh no, I am wrong, that was people so forget it Wordy, it’s China town.

Wait a minute, wait a minute, you ain’t heard nothin’ yet. Don’t go, I am only half way through this list of film quotes. This is just one big banquet here and the bloggers are all starving to death. We feel the need, the need for speed so Carpe diem, we will seize the prompt bloggers and make our lives extraordinary.

Let’s snap out of it, nobody puts a blogger in a corner, I am king of the world and don’t forget, I am big, it’s the blogs that got small. My blogs are the stuff dreams are made of so here’s looking at you bloggers. You just don’t understand, I coulda had class, coulda been a contender for a Pulitzer or a Nobel Prize. I coulda been somebody instead of a blogwriter, which is what I am so fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy blog. Open the pod bay doors Wordy and upload the blog. Is it safe? Mother of Mercy is this the end of my blogging career?

I have always depended on the kindness of my blog followers  and this is the stuff that dreams are made of.

Sometimes they call me Mr. Tibbs, but I prefer Rosebud and Mr. DeMillle, I’m ready for my close-up.

I give up, but I really think I saw most of these films. Now of course we have the big competition. Find the quotes, tell me the films they came from and as a prize you receive a copy of all the blogs I have written on WordPress, although you can download and distribute them from my WordPress site. May the force be with you and in the famous words of Dracula “Listen to them, children of the WordPress, what blogs they make”. Ok, I adapted it to suite today’s Silver Screen theme.

Click here for more

Sunday 8 February 2015

WordPress Daily Feline Prompt: Feline Pride

When was the last time someone told you they were proud of you?

Bobinette and the mouse

“Tabby, Fluffy, what is that photo of Bobinette doing on your pawpad Daily Feline Prompt.”

“It is all about being proud Mrs. Human and Fluffy and I cannot remember the last time when you were proud of us. We were proud of Bobinette on this action photo. Every time we bring you a token to make you proud of us, you wrinkle your nose, take a plastic bag, put your hand in it and pick up our offering and dispose of it. That is an insult to our pride.”

“No Tabby, that is not an insult to your pride, that is a human way of saying it is nothing to be proud of to kill an innocent little mouse. I can be glad the photo is not of you.”

“That wasn’t possible Mrs. Human. I have to balance the camera between Fluffy’s ears on her head before I take a photo.”

“But Tabby it was a good photo. I think the local Feline Hunting club is organising a photo exhibition for the best action photos. Do we have any?”

“I will have a look Fluffy, but I think we have one where Nera was playing with one of our meals on four paws. She looked really sweet.”

“No felines, you will not be entering any photo competitions showing dead mice.”

“She’s right Tabby.. Dead mice are to be eaten, not to be photographed.”

“That was not what I meant felines. There will be no Mouse Kill here. The last mouse you caught escaped and I spent all morning shifting the heavy cupboard until I found him.”

“That was very praiseworthy Mrs. Human, but you made a mistake.”

“Which was?”

You found the mouse, wrapped him in a cloth and let him free in the great outdoors.”

“Of course, and he ran as fast as his little sweet paws could carry him.”

“Mrs. Human, don’t get sloppy about a mouse. They form part of the balance of nature. You should be proud of our efforts to keep everything in its right place.”

I think there is something wrong with the logic of this discussion, so I decided to change the subject and fed my cats two nice dishes of vitamin pellets.

“Mrs. Human”


“What animal produces those pellets you keep feeding us?”

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