
Monday 3 August 2015

Daily feline prompt: Isn't your feline red?

When was the last time you were embarrassed? How do you react to embarrassment? 

Garfield? - the neighbour's cat

“Tabby do you think that Roschti is permanently embarrassed?”

“I don’t think that Roschti knows what embarrassment is. He takes what he wants. I even found him dealing in catnip with the local felines.”

“Oh, you mean I shouldn’t have bought any catnip from Roschti.”

“You did what? Where is it Fluffy.”

“Did I do something wrong Tabby?”

“Nothing that cannot be put right Fluffy, Just give me the half.”

“But I had to give  two freshly caught butterflies in payment for the catnip.”

“Ok, Fluffy, you can have the next butterfly that I catch, but not a swallowtail, one of the smaller ones, perhaps just a moth.”

“That doesn’t sound like a good bargain Tabby.”

“I don’t support dealing cats corrupting the kittens with catnip. As the famous feline musician Cat Vicious said “I stopped dealing in catnip because I couldn’t bear Roschti anymore. He was an embarrassment with his silly red fur and his shabby, nasty looking whiskers” and that is why there will be no more hoarding of cat nip from the red feline.  He is an embarrassment to the local feline population. Now lets partake in the enjoyments of a catnip session together, getting high and rolling in the lawn.”