What do you display on the walls of your home — photos, posters, artwork, nothing? How do you choose what to display? What feline mood are you trying to create?
“What do you think Fluffy, is it straight?”
“Tabby, I would perhaps shift it a little to the left, and a few meows higher. Otherwise it is fine.”
“Felines, what are you doing?”
“Tabby decided we should have some wall decoration and I took a meows of him this morning with my meow phone.”
“Yes, Mrs. Human. Looks good doesn’t it. I left some room on the other side for Fluffy’s meow, although he will have a smaller picture.”
“Did you ask Mr. Human if it was Ok to paw nails into the wall for a photo?”
“Mrs. Human we do not ask, this is our place remember. We moved in, took over, and we organise our own decorations.”
“Well I am not sure Tabby. You cannot just hang things on the walls.”
“It is not a thing, it is my prortrait. You never asked me when you put those paintings on the wall by Mr. Human. Some of them are very anti feline. There is not one bird in sight on his paintings and a framed painting of a dish of tuna fish would be very much appreciated.”
“Or some drawings from nature, such as the development of a cat nip plant with all the details. Tabby my portrait is ready, look, what do you think?”
“It’s OK fluffy, but there is too much of your ears on it, perhaps we should reduce the size of the ears.”
“Can we do that?”
“Of course, I have feline photo shop on my pawpad. Look, see just a twiddle with the paw here and there and we have it.”
“Oh how clever Tabby, Can you give me more whiskers, mine are always breaking when they grow.”
“Of course, so how is that?”
“Are you two felines finished with your works of art. Oh, I didn’t know Fluffy had so many whiskers.
“No problem, Mrs. Human, we can do everything with feline photo shop. I can even construct a portrait in the Picatto style, but we don’t look so good with three eyes and square noses.”
I'm sure Tabby finds her portrait quite catisfactory!! :-))