
Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Tornado just passed though

Before the storm

The picture is before the storm.

My neighbour called me over the hedge to say her mother had just phoned from Neuchâtel, about an hour's drive from us in the West, that she had just been visited by a tornado which swept through very quickly but with strong winds accompanied by some thunder and plenty of rain, so we went into action. Battened down the hatches, put all movable objects inside (the cats moved inside on their own) and cleared all fragile things away.

We had just started eating outside on the patio, so had to hurry. As we were finishing the meal the clouds darkened and the wind came slowly but surely. No big deal really, I am sure that there are places in the States that really know what a tornado is, but for little Switzerland sort of event of the day/month.

I naturally had my camera ready, expecting dynamic pictures, but all I got was a misty glance through the rain. The "tornado" only lasted about 5 minutes, but our Swiss news told us it will be back some time in the middle of the night, so we decided to leave everything packed away outside. Hope our cellar does not flood again.

tornado 13

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