
Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Mono Monday Plus 13.12.2010

What a stupid picture. Actually I was fascinated by the light reflection on the ceiling. Mr. Swiss had put a lamp on the floor to give a bit more light for us to read etc. etc. The reflection was great, but my photography is still in the children's shoes. I even got the reflection of the TV in the glass of the window.

I started to work on this. First of all I straightened the photo up and cropped it (in Microsoft Office Picture Manager - where I usually open my photos from my hard disk).

I then put the photo in CS3 and cloned out the TV reflection in the window replacing it more or less with the normal structure of the blinds. I then went into Piknik, did a monochrome but kept the little bit of red of the Poinsettia in the middle at the bottom. I then did a Piknik frame and here is the result.

shadows and me cropped with stamp 006
I was more or less satisfied, but it was all so nice. I then had an idea and decided some sort of reflection in the window would be ok. I then took a photo of last year's Christmas tree in our town center and put it into the right pane of the window. This was not so easy, as it was much bigger than the window pane. I sort of shrunk it and twisted it in CS3 until I had a more or less fit. I flattened it and then did a bit of cloning work to get the frame of the window to suit. I made the christmas tree photo more transparent.

I then searched for a frame in Piknik. I decided on a Christmas frame, but the holly and snow flakes were getting a bit boring. I then found the frame with the Christmas lights. This really suited me as you can also incorporate the coloured light reflection of the lights. Here is my boring picture, with a bit of colour. I sometimes do wish that Ansel Adams was my grandfather.

Lights at the window

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