
Thursday 23 April 2015

The Dissatisfaction of a List

Who doesn’t love a list? So write one! Top five slices of pizza in your town, ten reasons disco will never die, the three secrets to happiness — go silly or go deep, just go list-y.

Stables Feldbrunnen

I don’t love lists, so why should I write one. These days, my next birthday being No. 69, I have given up on lists. After so many years I have it all in my brain. Actually when I reread the original prompt, written two years ago, I found I did not do a bad job on it and so I ask why should I write this prompt again. Because it is there? Because the daily prompt people have run out of ideas and are doing a re-run of this prompt? In any case what lists are left for me to write?

There is a daily clean of hoovering, mopping and general clean ups of bathrooms and showers.

Monday morning shopping, Monday afternoon free choice. Tueday morning clean the bathroom, Tuesday afternoon free choice and Tuesday evening run the washing machine with the towels from the cleaned bathroom. This is really becoming fun. Running the washing machine in the evening has its reasons. From 9.00 in the evening the electric current on the machine is half price. Amazing what accumulates thought the months in saved charges if you stick to it. 

And now we arrive at Wednesday morning. The fridge is empty, there is no food and you feel the need to go places and see things, so you go shopping again. Wednesday afternoon not quite free choice, you spend thirty minutes cleaning doors. Thursday arrives beginning with the kitchen. All surfaces are cleared and everything is placed on the kitchen table and afterwards the general clean through the appartment. After all this has been completed you return to the kitchen and clean all cupboard doors, tiles and empty surfaces. Oh what fun we have and if all goes well you are  finished by 10.30 in the morning which allows half an hour relaxing session on a flat surface accompanied by a Tabby cat who cannot wait  for this together time.

Thursday afternoon is a black mark on my list. Somewhere I have to fit in a general clean up of the shower, plus the tiles and sink. I hate this job. It is usually accompanied by profanities until the work is done. I now have this behind me for a week and am sitting on the porch telling you all about it.

Look it’s almost Friday which means a big shopping excursions to hunt for the spoils needed at the week-end. Friday afternoon is again free, although somewhere 20 minutes are fitted in for the orchid care. They need water, but just once a week and once a month they are given fertiliser.

Saturday is window cleaning morning and afternoon free choice and Sunday is a day of rest, so I cook lunch and might do something spectacular like going for a walk, writing a blog. Now you are all thinking what an interesting and exciting week Mrs. Angloswiss has. Yes, it is, but why should I make a list. Making lists destroys the fun of the work. It becomes an organised.pasttime, and who wants to organise their time? Me? Now and again I do have something special to deal with and steal some extra time for a walk in the country taking photos, such as the one above of the local stables and chicken farm.

After having a quick read through of this epic blog, I realise what a boring monotonous life I am leading. I should really do something completely different, but I do. Now and again I read a book and work in the garden. There will be a big occasion arriving at the beginning of June when No. 2 son will be having his civil wedding at the local registry office, followed by a meal in a restaurant and you can be sure I will tell you all about it, plus a few photos. There will be no official photographer, that will be in July when the church wedding in Germany takes place with another big meal and all the trimmings.

Anyhow I have been asked if I would take a few photos at the registry office, so how could I refuse.

And another boring re-prompt comes to a close, which has all been done before. Do these people really have nothing better to do than press a button and regurgitate the grid? Wordy no longer visits. Perhaps it was because I threatened him with the happy Wordy hunting grounds the last time he arrived. I now hate Wordy and everything he stands for.


  1. I must admit I love lists. But the trouble is I'm not very good at crossing things off lists. My lists are not always realistic. I'm making lots of lists at the moment as with no job I have lots of free time. Except there is the guilt attached to having free time. I need to fill this free time so I make lists and then suddenly I've lost the free time as it's time to make dinner, or put the washing on or, thanks for a nice spell of weather, hang it out on the line. At least I'm saving money by using the tumble dryer less but I'm glad our electricity costs the same all day otherwise I'd be dividing my lists into things to do when the electricity is cheap and things to do when it's not! lol

    1. The problem with my lists is that I forget where I put them. We have a list in the kitchen for shopping. I add to it and Mr. Swiss adds to it. It is in two languages and I cannot always read Mr. Swiss handwriting, but the problem is that I cannot always read mine

  2. Because I am mildly OCD I used to make lists a LOT. Over the years I've taught myself do this less, now it's not such a problem.
