
Wednesday, 10 December 2014

WordPress Daily Prompt: All or Nothing

“Perhaps when we find ourselves wanting everything, it is because we are dangerously close to wanting nothing.” — Sylvia Plath
Which do you find more dangerous: wanting nothing, or wanting everything?


Yes, the did it again. Just to reassure you all that are waiting poised on the computer keyboard, here is my official complaint  to the forum Daily Prompt Complaint, so you can all rest assured that our faithful team will be working on this. It seems that the WordPress Daily Prompt Magical Happenings team are operating with a “real life” motto at the moment. Yes, we are really getting all or nothing, and today seems to be the nothing day.

It can only get better, and in the meanwhile we will write our blog regardless of these small errors that occur now and again. We must take into consideration the many improvements made on our WordPress site, and the hard work invested into these changes by the people involved. We can now even apply our mobile phones to contact WordPress according to the latest improvement. I can be lucky if I can contact Mr. Swiss with it.

It is also to take into consideration that yesterday may have been the annual Christmas party and today the responsible members of the WordPress staff are feeling tired and exhausted after celebrating the success of the past year. Yes, even they must have a rest and a chance to look back on a daily prompt year of successful blogs when and if they arrived.

I am satisfied with what I get (as long as I am not paying for it). If what I want costs money, then I can get a little irritable if I do not get it. Dangerous is not a word I would apply, I am too lazy and old to become a threat, I just tend to have a loud voice when annoyed and may utter a few profanities. If I pay for certain advantages on a blogging site (names will not be mentioned) then it can be that I will become very annoyed when time and time again it does not function.

My cat, Tabby, once had a sore throat. She could to swallow and so we took her to the vet. The vet gave her an injection of antibiotics and we received tablets to help her on her way. Unfortunately our blind cat Fluffy eats everything according to feline tastes and if a plate of tuna fish is left unattended, tablets or not, he will swallow it, he wants everything. This was a problem we had. How to do you explain to a feline, that can only understand and speak meow, that the food is reserved for Tabby who was ignoring it. 

Ignorant me did not know who Sylvia Plath was, but naturally explored Wikipedia to enrich my knowledge. She was a writer and poet and who suffered from depression leading to her suicide.

Sorry I am no longer encouraged to write more on this boring subject. This morning I was again allowed out on a shopping journey. Provisions were running low and Mr. Swiss and I constructed a shopping list. I noticed our supermarket cat was also on his way. He lives in one of the houses near the supermarket and is a regular visitor. This morning he was patiently waiting in front of the automatic glass doors. People were coming and going and suddenly he took his chance and dived in whilst the doors were open, heading for the restaurant. Later on I saw him descending the stairs to the gardening department. Perhaps they had a special offer on cat nip. Up to now I have never shared the lift with him, but that would not surprise me either. 

By the way, just to mention it, and to inform all my disciples, fans and followers, did you know I have a second WordPress site? Yes, I am a sucker for punishment. Here is the link The Cat Chronicles. Since my chief cat Nera went to the eternal corn chambers, under the guidance of Bastet, I have neglected this site. Tabby and Fluffy told me to revive the site and they would be ready with a few escapades from their feline lives, as well as some contributions from other felines in the neighbourhood. This naturally only concerns the cat fans amongst us. I know for a fact that one of our neighbours does not like cats, especially since our local naked Sphinx cat paid a visit to her garden, but that is another story.

We had snow this morning, just a few microscopic flakes in the air. I did a quick check and realised that tomorrow is a shopping free day as I will be allowed to clean the kitchen. This afternoon I will write my fantastic blog, which probably no-one will see or read as the automatic uploader for daily prompt is not working, but you never know. Perhaps the WordPress team are now awake, recovered from the Christmas Party Festivities and are repairing the connection, or not. 

Am now hoping for snow free days for the remainder of the week.

Click here for more

1 comment:

  1. I would think wanting everything to be more dangerous.....trying to buy everything would lead to no money....which in turn would lead to no food......which in turn...well, you get the idea.

    I am hoping for snow-free days for the remainder of the winter!!
