
Thursday 1 November 2007

1st November, the day after halloween and All Saints Day

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Autumn is here, the garden is full of leaves which I should start clearing away, but have postponed the job for the week-end. I would have to wear a miner's helmut with a lamp on it at the moment if I wanted to work in the garden when I am home from work. The sycamore plant above just sort of growing on its own in the garden a couple of years ago, so I just keep cutting it down, otherwise we wouldn't have much light in the windows.

Actually today was a holiday for the people living in our Kanton of Solothurn. The day after halloween is All Saints Day and one of the catholic holidays. Most companies are closed as well as the shops. As our company relies on orders from parts of Switzerland which are not catholic and other countries, we stayed open with a skeleton staff. I was part of the staff, working in the export department on my own. I didn't mind working the day as I am on holiday from next week on Thursday and can add the day onto my holiday.

We were 3 girls in the office and each one of us had put their favourite radio programme on the computer. A luxury which we cannot have otherwise, but being a quiet day we made the most of it. I chose the local radio station Radio 32 which brings a mixture of pop music all day and local news. I like the bit where they tell you where the police have got their speed traps. Always useful when driving home from work. The roads were nice and empty today, no traffic jams. I didn't actually work as many hours as usual as it wasn't necessary. I had enough time to go home at lunch time and cook a meal for the hungry two that were waiting - my son and Mr. Swiss.

Had a bit of a problem with the printer this evening. We have a network printer and it just didn't want to print. However, with the help of a few negative remarks in Swiss German it started working again - amazing what a bit of swearing can do to a defect electronic machine. The cats spent the day sleeping but are now outside causing a few mice a few problems. The one I found lunch time outside already had riger mortis, so I don't know how long he had been laying around. It's now time to curl up with a good book and see what the tv has to offer.

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