
Saturday, 28 February 2015

WordPress Daily Prompt: Me Time

What’s your ideal Saturday morning? Are you doing those things this morning? Why not?

Safran Rice

“Me time” is every day. Since I belong to the leagues of unemployed golden oldies that have nothing better to do than count their ailments and eat and sleep, “me time” is a precious commodity. Unfortunately things do not always work out as you want. Dreams of doing what you want to do instead of doing what you have to do have no clear borders. They melt into each other and Saturday mornings are no different. Why Saturday morning? Is it a common thought that you have nothing to do on Saturday morning?

Saturday mornings are reserved for the things you wanted to do during the week so that you could arise and say “I did it all” and just go back to bed and dream on. Unfortunately things are never as you envisage, even Saturday mornings are to be planned carefully for the remainders of the working week. It took some time, but I realised that somewhere twenty minutes were missing in my “me time” Saturday timetable until I found the solution. I was partaking in my usual routine after leaving my golden oldie sleep haven known as bed. Eating breakfast and  examining computer developments during the night to begin on the normal daily vacuum cleaning gymnastics, but it was Saturday and “me time” which had somewhere disappeared. 

It was also orchid time. There they are about 15 orchids all with the little green tongues hanging out and saying “water, water”. What can you do, definitely not ignore them. There are too many mysterious unsolved murders of housewives choking on an orchid flower or having their feet replaced by leaves and so I give my orchids water and lose about 20 minutes. This is 20 minutes of precious Saturday morning “me time” and so I had a brainwave. My orchids now have their thirst quenched on Friday afternoon. They do not mind but I now have twenty minutes more on Saturday morning and 20 minutes less on Friday afternoon. What to do with this extra twenty minutes? I clean the windows as well as the vacuum cleaner jogging expedition. Oh the joys of “me time”.

So there we are, all chores completed by 11 o’clock and now to cook. Another “me time” occupation we ladies all love. There is no escaping, we cook and eat to live and not vice versa. In the meanwhile Mr. Swiss has departed on his “me time” journey to the local supermarket to buy the things we forgot on Friday. He combines this with a visit to his music room in town. Yes, he is very considerate and leaves me to my own “me time”. What to cook? This is no problem, the plan was made on Friday when I had my Friday morning “me time”. Today it would be saffron rice accompanied by a cooked coq au vin, meaning a chicken cooked with wine. I discovered that “me time” made a mistake on Friday and we had no white wine, but as it is just a matter of colour, I used red wine and no-one noticed: wine seems to be wine.

“Me time” was completed and the family all sat down together to lunch. Oh the joys of together time. Even our blind feline Fluffy joined us as his sharp nose discovered there was the whiff of chicken in the air, although he decided that a place on the floor was just as comfortable for his extra meal. After lunch it was “me time” again where I caught up with the Sugar Crush developments on my iPad. Eventually another round of “me time” came into existence when I retired to my bed for a golden oldie sleep. I am now sitting at my computer typing all about my “me time”. Unfortunately it seems that my “me time” is shared for the benefit of others and the only real “me time” is now when I write my daily prompt. 

These WordPress people seem to think that Saturday morning is “me, me, me” where we have nothing better to do than dream away. A woman’s job is never done, it is planned, a question of logistic and nowhere on my timetable are the words “me time” on Saturday morning. And to answer the question why I am not doing “me time” this Saturday morning, it is because I do not do “me time” on Saturday morning, I have other things to do. I assume that Silicon Valley is closed on Saturday mornings, or Saturday morning does not exist. All the Wordys of this world are having sleep modus and their “me time”. 

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1 comment:

  1. As I work all week and have no desire to do 'household' things when I arrive home, the 'household' things usually get attention on Saturday mornings, so no 'me' time allowed. Laundry, ironing, cleaning, trip to the recycling centre, any other chores that need doing. All get done on Saturday morning and often into the afternoon. 'Me time' starts Saturday evening with a pizza and a movie, Sunday is generally (but not always) my time.
