
Friday, 10 October 2014

The Cookie Monster

Biscuits in the kitchen

This is the place where we keep our cookies. Actually I say biscuits being english, but cookie is universal. We all know what I mean. There are various types. Some have jam (jello?), some are filled with cream and there are the plain cookies with just sugar. You can have flavoured cookies with ginger, vanilla, lemon, everything the heart/stomach desires. They arrive in various shapes: round, square, hearts, stars and even animal form. 

For the cookie fan, the addicted, this can be irresistible. I must admit I do like the odd cookie now and again, although my diabetes tells me to leave the finger from such cravings. We keep the various sorts of cookies in different tins. It is hygienic and it is a perfect organisation. As you can see we have many tins. I would mention that on the left there are two large square tins. The top tin contains 2-3 packets of various cookies, the bottom tin is reserved for salted delicacies such as nuts and pretzel sticks.
You are asking why so many various tins of cookies? I am also asking the same. They seem to multiply on their own. Of course, they are sold at the local supermarket. I do not shop on my own, Mr. Swiss is my faithful companion. He is a great help when choosing the items I want to buy. I rarely buy cookies, perhaps once a month but when I arrive at the cash desk there always seems to be a packet of cookies in the basket, as if by ghost hand. How do they arrive do we have a cookie monster in the family?

This week I decided to tidy the cookie section of the cupboard. Admittedly two tins were just the remainders: two soft cookies and a pile of crumbs. I disposed of these. I reduced the tins and now we have an organised cookie selection. Mr. Swiss went on a supermarket hunting trip on his own. this week, We needed something we had forgot and he fetched it plus a rather interesting appetising packet of, yes, cookies. The were heart shaped, made of gingerbread with a filling. They now occupy the empty tin. Will they be eaten, will they be used, will the tin be emptied? Life in the Angloswiss home is full of surprises and yes, suspense.

I am experimenting with Apple/Mac at the moment so I am not sure how this blog will look. We have a small Apple Macpad and if I get the hang of it I will be buying myself a full sized MacPad. This is my first try in blogger.


  1. Sounds to me like Mr Swiss is the (not so) mysterious Cookie Monster!! LOL.

    You must have got the hang of using the i-pad, as the post looks fine.

    1. it is not an iPad but a fullly grown Mac laptop. I have decided to buy my own, but the largest they have. Mr. Swiss just bought the smallest size.

    2. Ahhh, ok. Well, you seem to have mastered it, anyway.

  2. The post looks fine. I too have started using my iPad mini to post. Very easy if not as flexible as a desktop/laptop. Maybe the cookie/ tin idea is an expat thing. My sister-in-law who lives in France also always has a good choice of cookies. She also has a collection of tins, mostly those for British products

    1. I never post with my iPad. I am talking of a mac laptop. Mr. Swiss bought a small one, but I have now decided to buy a new computer, a Mac laptop, but the largest they have. I sometimes write comments on my iPad, but posting I always do on the computer. I write too much to use an iPad.
