
Tuesday, 7 August 2012

A new camera

Nikon D7000 My New Camera
I havn't been around much here lately, but there is a reason. I did a sort of quick photo course and it packed me, so here it is my new camera.  I have had it almost a week and am still handling it with care. Every day something new seems to crop up. I have never had a Digital Single Lens Reflex Camera in my life (DSLR). I even had to look up the English name for it as we know it as "Spiegelreflex" in German, nice and easy and one word.

Anyhow I am still experimenting with this and that. I have a tripod which is more than half my height and I am tall. I needed about an hour until I found out how that worked. Today I took my first photos with the remote control thing. Even on a tripod it seems it shakes if you press the button. Of course I forgot to switch the camera back to normal after the remote experiment, and nothing more was working.

Sometimes I wish I could pop over to England (with Baz or Mitch in mind) or just a trip to the States (the Gator in the Swamp) as well as many others I know from Multiply that are much better at this photo thing than I am. Rome really wasn't built in a day. I was quite proud of myself this afternoon. I was in the garden equipped with tripod, remote control and the biggest lens taking a photo of the crocus in the lawn. they were really a long way away, but I managed to get them nice and close. My technique is not perfect at the moment, and things could be a bit sharper. This is not the camera's fault by the way.

I had never worked with these lens things before, but am gradually getting the trick. Anyhow here is an example of my imperfect work. I even managed to focus on the crocus and make the twigs at the side of the photo out of focus, sort of depth of horizon or something like that. It can only get better (I hope).

I am studying the instruction book intensively at the moment, although the camera never seems to do what the book said it should. Anyhow there is a book coming out all about the Nikon D7000, but the camera is so new that the book hasn't been published yet. I am doing this thing mainly in German, as I really understand the terms better than english. Anyhow as soon as the book is published I will get myself a copy.

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