
Wednesday, 3 October 2007

Autumn Fair Solothurn - Animals and children

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To continue - I revisited the fair on Sunday afternoon for a couple of hours. I actually wanted to buy a cat comb/brush that they were selling on the Hills pet food booth. Our long haired black fat cat Nera is very sensistive about being combed, especially on the tummy. We have tried everything up to now (even a full aneasthetic at the vets as her fur was slowly resembling an insectarium) so why not invest twenty-eight swiss francs in a comb for her. Did it work - well sort of, but she didn't actually say oh yes I love it, can you do it again.

In any case whilst I was at the fair I decided to see what had been done for the kids. They have a small zoo each year with some farm animals, called a "stroking zoo" so the kids can get near to the animals and have fun. I wasn't exactly so sure if the animals were having fun. These dogs seemed to have given up entertaining and made the most of a straw bed.

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Actually the first animals I saw were the white geese - at least I think that was what they were. They are a bit stupid I noticed. When one goes left (probably the leader of the pack) the rest just follow him. They were kept in a nice big green part and seemed to be enjoying theirselves. Now and again they did a group cackle just to let you know they were there.

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I then walked around the corner and found some cows. They weren't exactly available for a stroke and if I had a kid I don't think I would have allowed him to touch one of those cows. However they were having a peaceful lay down and let me take their photo.

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Just nearbye there were some sort of goats. Goats are no problem really. There were sharing their enclosure with about 20 children, but it didn't seem to bother them. I quite enjoyed walking around the animals taking photos and the youngsters really seemed to be enjoying themselves.

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Naturally no local animal show would be completed without chickens. They were mostly hiding in their coup, but a couple saw me with the camera ready and decided they wanted to appear on my blog. The one on the left is an ordinary farm hen, but the one on the right seems to be something special.

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There were a couple of pigs laying around with the goats, although funnily enough I didn't see any children trying to stroke them. Some rabbits were also wandering around looking for something useful to do.

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All in all there was a fair selection of animals shown. Although we are a farming area, so you don't really have to walk far to find the next farm with some cows. I quite enjoyed the animal visit myself. Eventually I made my way home, sort of tired but happy. It was the last day of the fair, but it will be at least a week until everything is cleared away. There follows a photo of the tractor, probably bringing some food for the animals, and I also managed to get a photo of the train. This runs especially for the visitors and their children as a sort of fun thing. I was actually planning this to be my last news from the HESO, but on Sunday there was a special exhibition which I was surprised to see, so I will bring short report about that tomorrow.

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