Tabby: Fluff, what’s the problem. Not that I am actually interested, but your sighing gets on my nerves and I can’t relax and sleep.
Fluffy: I heard about Mrs. Human’s last blog on her computer. Photos of her ancestors and talking about where they lived and all that.
Tabby: Don’t tell me that human background stuff interests you.
Fluffy: No, of course not, only the cats they had and there are no photos or mention of them. It just brought back a few memories of my mum and dad.
Nera: There he goes again. Ancestry of a Selkirk Rex etc. etc.
Tabby: You said it Nera, white curly fur like cotton wool and he thinks he is something special.
Fluffy: Well, if you must know, I was pawing around at the keyboard on Mrs. Human’s computer yesterday when she was asleep and guess what I found?
Tabby: It doesn’t really interest me what you found, but I am sure you are going to tell us all the same.
Nera: I know, you found the picture of me when I won the cat of the year competition .
Tabby: If I remember rightly you didn’t actually win the competition, but just got a special mention as being something out of the ordinary. Although they said that the chances were looking good, until they found two dried up snails in your fur.
Nera: Well Mr. Human should have removed them before the competition, but he didn’t did he?
Tabby: You didn’t let him did you?
Nera: Ok, forget it. So Fluffy what did you find on Mrs. Human’s computer.
Fluffy: I found photos of my mum and dad and not only that but clues leading to a web site with my ancestry.
Tabby: Nera make the door wider, Fluffy won’t be able to get his head through soon.
Nera: And what do you propose to do with those photos Fluffy.
Fluffy: Well you know I don’t see so well any more and us cats have the gift of telepathy making the humans do things that we want, so I thought I would apply our gift and see if Mrs. Human might put my family tree on her blog.
Nera: Fluffy, Tabby and I also have a family tree, so I think that would come first.
Tabby: One small problem Nera – not even our mum remembers what our dad(s) looked like, she didn’t even know if your dad was my dad as well. You know how she was, just enjoyed life to the full.
Nera: There is something of truth in that Tabby, although our other two sisters seem to look more like me than you.
Fluffy: I didn’t know there were more of you.
Tabby: Oh yes, we were four all together, but I was the one with the short tabby hair. One of us stayed where our mum lived and the other one found a perfect home with the vet’s assistant nurse.
Fluffy: What a life – living with a vet’s nurse. Always getting the best treatment and food.
Nera: Well, I have never found anything nice about being at the vets. They wrap me up in towels and pin me down. Sometimes they even put me to sleep.
Tabby: Now I wonder why????
Next Day
Fluffy: Did you see it, did you see it?
Nera: Did we see what?
Fluffy: It worked. My influence on Mrs. Human’s brain has shown results. Take a walk over the computer keyboard and have a look at her latest blog.
Tabby: Well, I never – come and have a look Nera.
Nera: Who’s that big white fluffy cat with the blue eyes?
Fluffy: That’s my dad, Coolman, although he was known as coolie to the girls.
Tabby: And the cat lady next to him. Is that your mum?
Fluffy: Yes, they called her Lucy. She was a very nice mum, but my dad didn’t have so much time for us babies. There were five of us and a month after we were born one of his other wives had six kittens so he just couldn’t be everywhere at once. He usually just relaxed on his perch where he kept us under control, although his wives seem to be doing most of the work.
Tabby: Is that you Fluffy?
Fluffy: Yes, I am the one on the right and that is either one of my sisters or brothers on the left.
Tabby: You have blue eyes like your dad on that photo.
Nera: Tabby, you can really say stupid things sometimes. All cats have blue eyes when they are kittens.
Fluffy: Yes, but my dad kept his all his life.
Tabby: Big deal.
Fluffy: Don't have to get cheeky. Just because you don't know who your dad was.
Tabby: Hisssss.
Nera: Stay cool Tabby, that's life.
Tabby: And who is the little cat with the blue eyes.
Fluffy: That must be my dad when he was a kitten.
Tabby: Where is he now?
Fluffy: Well the last I heard through the cat vine was that Daddy Coolman is now somewhere in another Swiss town, and has a new harem. Lucy has also gone on to other pastures and now has a new man looking after her.
Nera: Let’s face it cats, it’s a cat’s life one way or the other. All this family stuff is a bit of a stress.
Tabby: You are right Nera, no time for a good sleep.
Fluffy: But you must admit, my dad was a fine cat. Sigh – good night all.
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