
Monday 24 August 2015

Daily Feline Prompt: Feline sara, sara

Do you believe in feline fate or do you believe you can control your own destiny?


“What a silly question to ask, especially a feline. It is all in the whiskers and Bastet decides when she holds a lottery to see who is getting the 10th life.”

“But Tabby, I do not think I am ready for my tenth life yet.”

“That is another decision you do not have to make. Bastet does it all for us.”

“You mean she decides whether I will drift up to the eternal corn chambers through a slip of fate.”

“Of course Fluffy, our destiny is formed by a feline sara, sara.”

“They were the words I didn’t quite understand.”

“It is Italian meow.”

Why so complicated. Meow Meow would have been just as good.”

“Ah yes Fluffy, but Italian is the language of romance.”

“Tabby, I don’t find anything romantic about getting my tenth life. According to my calculations, I lost a life (and a couple of eyes) when I was two years old, and two disappeared when I made two attempts at the great escape. Crossing the main road and not seeing what is coming is a fateful decision in itself. I remember once when I ate a flower and had to visit the vet. Bastet appeared and said that it was a near miss then, and I could say goodbye to my fourth life.”

“Yes, Fluffy, but you are still here with some lives in reserve. I think I still have 8 lives, but I am a careful feline and do not take risks.”

“Of course not Tabby, you just run away. That is the perfect method of life preservation.”

“So enough of this morbid talk Fluffy. Remember the more we sleep, the more lives are saved.”

“Yes Tabby, very wise. Wake me up for dinner.”

1 comment:

  1. As I only have one.....perhaps I should sleep ALL the time!!! :-)
