
Tuesday 26 May 2015

Daily Feline Prompt: Meowmares

Describe the last meowmare you remember having. What do you think it meant?

Fluffy on the bed

“Fluffy stop making such strange noises in your sleep.”

“If they are in my sleep Tabby I cannot stop making them and I am having a meowmare.”

“Oh, I see, that is not so good. What is the problem.”

“A big fish was following me and I escaped.

“That is good Fluffy.”

“And then you arrived and caught the fish.”

“Well that is a good result. I rescued you from a fate worst than being in the same dream as the ginger tom from next door.”

“Wait Tabby, the ginger tom was also in the dream.”

“And what happened?”

“You dropped the big fish and ran away and the ginger tom eat it.”

“That is a real meowmare Fluffy.”

“And then he died.”

“The ginger tom?”

“No, the big fish.”

“Then it was a happy ending after all.”

“I am not so sure Tabby. Mrs. Human is calling, She said something about a plate of tuna fish.”

“Well, what are we waiting for.”

“Perhaps the fish is still alive.”

“Who cares, as it says in the book of Bastet Chapter 84, verse 3, if it breathes kill it. So come on Fluffy, first come, first served or dream on.”