
Wednesday 13 May 2009

Interesting Afternoon

Balmflühköpfli, Solothurn

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The photo is the view from the high school in one of the local villages. Spent a few interesting hours this afternoon with some of my colleagues from the village first aid group. The students at the high school had been doing their first aid course, necessary for taking driving lessons in Switzerland, and they had their final day today. My colleagues and I played the injured and they had to deal with us. There were 5 groups, per group 3 students. One colleague had fallen down the stairs and had to have her neck fixed. Another had an accident with electricity. The instructor's little boy had fallen off his bike and I had a deep cut in my hand. The village is just down the main road from our village and as you can see in nice surroundings. The view on the photo is the Jura mountains.

I was also surprised to see that the school had a pen outside containing three goats, so of course I just had to take their photo.


After all it is not every day that you see goats. Actually you can smell them before you see them.

Anyhow the complete class naturally passed their examination well. I had to keep reminding them to put their special plastic gloves on before they started messing around with my cut as I had a special bottle of imitation blood that I had to keep painting on my hand. Looked quite genuine, but then you have to use the gloves. Afterwards they had to put a pressure bandage on the wound and eventually my arm in a sling. I noticed at the end of the test that I had received five different ways of tying a pressure bandage, and five different styles of a sling, but the main thing is that the injury is dealt with.

Otherwise a fairly quiet week. I did have to go to the dentist on Monday for my eight-monthly teeth clean job. Being diabetic, it does sort of tell on your gums, so he just likes to see me now and again. He is quite a good dentist. Being French he took the French dentists exam, and when he came to Switzerland he had to go back to school again and do the Swiss exam. What I like about him is that you do not have time to get nervous. As soon as you are in the chair, it is mouth open and the instrument is doing its job. It took him about twenty minutes to clean through all the teeth and afterwards I spent another few minutes cleaning up. I looked like a vampire after he had just finished with his victim.

The dentist did ask me if I eat a lot of oranges. I thought a strange question, particularly as I eat very few oranges, and in Summer never. He said that my teeth had an orange colour to them. It got me thinking and I realised it could be the colouring from Cola perhaps. I do like a glass of Pepsi now and again, but have now decided to switch over to mineral water for the time being.

And now for a quiet evening with a book, or the television to relax from the exhaustion of the day. Yes it can be quite a tiring life when you are in retirement sometimes.


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