
Friday 10 August 2007

Mr. Swiss 2007

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Saturday evening on the TV there was a spaghetti Western showing which hubby and I were watching. Not a serious film, although we found it funny the way they were trying to imitate Mexican accents. Eventually we went channel jogging and surprise, the Mr. Swiss contest was running on the Swiss TV. I remember the first contest in Switzerland, must be about 20 years ago. It was the first time that a Mr. anything was voted for in Switzerland. I also remember the same year when we had the Autumn fair in our local town and the radio invited the winner for an interview on a Sunday morning at the Fair. I don’t think I have been in town on a Sunday morning since, but it was worth it. He had lovely half long black hair and nice eyes.

I did not intend to watch the Mr. Swiss contest, so I said to hubby he could switch on as far as I am concerned. Unbelievingly he asked if I was sure. I did not really mind but somehow we stayed on the channel. From the original contestants there were still 11 in the competition.

They were showing a sequence where there were all dressed in an overall with braces to hold it up and naturally without a shirt, showing their manly chests – well almost manly. I asked hubby why not hairs on the chest, but he found that it was not “in” any more. I started comparing, but came to the conclusion that if they all had no heads they would all look the same.

Next sequence - each showed a short film of his private life. One was bringing breakfast to his girlfriend in bed (you don’t have a wife if you want to be Mr. Swiss). Another was a forest worker and showed himself at work complete with helmet and saw-like instruments in his hand pushing a few trees down. Then there was the banker (who works at my bank in town). He was shopping for clothes and we also had a look at his flat where he lived, which also seemed to be full of piles of clothing, all neatly arranged in an open cupboard. Then there was the semi professional which seemed to spend his time modelling underwear for men. He even had his own website – the walking PR man. As Switzerland shares 3 languages, we had the contestant from the French part – très romantique, and the young man from the Italian part who for my liking didn’t really know what he was supposed to do, except have a nice greasy hairstyle and show everyone how he looked after his grandmother. Eventually there was a “normal” type working in the computer design business, 10 years older than the rest (around 34 years old) and I found him to be very nice. Not bad looking but a good solid character – what more he had had no girlfriend for the last 6 months.

Then the voting by phone began and eventually the contestants were narrowed down to 4 and my favourite (the 34 year old) was amongst them. I then left the proceedings to go to my computer. In the meanwhile they had all been interviewed and the results were to be known, so I decided to return to the living room and continue watching. After an “exciting” further 10 minutes, No. 4 and 3 were voted out and there were only two left and my favourite was still there. Unbelievable as my taste is usually a bit out of the ordinary.

Eventually Mr. Swiss was chosen. I could not believe it. The one I decided was the man that I thought could be the choice of my life and man of my dreams (if I had been 40 years younger) had won. He was Mr. Schweiz 2007.

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What an evening that was – and now back to something completely different.

One of these wonderful Swiss citizens won the contest - now who was it. If any ladies are reading this blog, I wonder who they would choose.

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