
Tuesday, 16 December 2014

WordPress Daily Prompt: The Language of Things

You have to write a message to someone dear to you, telling that person how much he/she means to you. However — instead of words, you can only use 5-10 objects to convey your emotions. Which objects do you choose, and what do they mean?


Hello me, yes let’s be selfish. Mr. Swiss buys what he wants, my kids are also well supplied with objects of their desire and if something special is to be honoured, I could write out a few Swiss bank notes. My 99 year old dad says he needs nothing and is always asking me if I need anything, so there will not be and 5-10 objects floating around on my blog for others.

I like orchids, I collect them actually. I am always on the lookout for a special offer at the local supermarket so send me a few orchids. I would love a blue orchid. I saw them once on sale, but I was at the beginning of my orchid collection mania and did not realise the importance of a blue orchid. I always have space for them, they do not need a lot of care, just once a week a shower and once a month a dose of fertiliser. We have them in the kitchen, on the dining table and in the living room. At the last count it was 18 orchids. Mr. Swiss will not allow them in the bedroom.

Please no cut flowers, like roses or carnations in a vase. They are a nuisance. I have to renew the water and after a few days they begin to wilt and often stink. They also sprinkle their dead and dried whatever all over the table. No, orchids are my thing. They keep their flowers for  1-2 months and never die. Now and again one might stop breathing, but that is the way it is. Life is not forever and neither are orchids. I have a three year old specimen in my collection, but only possesses leaves. Perhaps I might give it the breath of life one day and it will make a new branch bearing flowers.

My next object is a new Kindle. I will buy this myself, am still saving, but all donations are gratefully accepted, If you are an Amazon member, you can just click on it as a gift for me. I also need one of those new plugs and a cover would complete it, preferably in dark blue. I know the one I want. It has to have 3g to enable me to upload books when I am in a train, in a bus, or stranded in a forest or in a different town. Think of the problem finishing a book and you are on a long journey. You have nothing more to read to pass the time with. If you are on a plane your seat neighbour might find it would be a good opportunity to strike up a conversation. What if he speaks no english, just Chinese or Urdo. Exactly, so if you have a Kindle with 3g just press a button and upload something new to read.

As I bought myself a new computer a couple of months ago, and a new iPad, you do not have to bother with that, although perhaps the newest version of Photoshop would be a good idea. I do not really need it, but why not. I love playing with computer toys.

Talking of suscriptions I saw that Apple/Mac have their own magazine, MacWorld. Something else I do not really need, but why not. I have to keep up with the newest developments.

And of course, dare I say it? My blogs seem to be examples of repetition at the moment. There is really one thing that would show what I mean to someone, or an organisation. I miss it so much, and it would be the crowning  completion of all my wishes. I have given so much to have it. I am not asking for something that I have never paid for, in nerves, in thoughts, in my ideas, something that money cannot buy, although money is also involved once a year. I am sure you know what I want for this prompt. Good health is important, enough money to live on, but most of all, yes, my bloggy friends, here you have it - Pingback. I want a pingback. I am not greedy, just one would be enough with a direct link to the magic grid. I had many, but they were stolen, went to an early grave. I cannot give them to myself, as they are disabled. If anyone reads this please from the heart and my cyber self, then it would mean so much. I am overdoing it again? OK, you can always try after all it is all in the name of a daily prompt. And do not forget the grid, that is part of the deal, the wonderful great idea that someone had in a land far away.


  1. These WordPress people sure do come up with some odd ideas for the Daily Prompt.

    1. A few of us in WordPress have the feeling that they are slowly going in the Multiply direction. Business brings money and money talks all languages. I don't think they will stop blogging altogether as many of us pay for our .com sites, but they are not exactly encouraging it and they have a business side of things. I am staying with the daily prompt as long as it lasts, but have started doing my own thing now and again. I also have a cat site which I neglected when our Nera went to the eternal corn chambers, but I am slowly bringing it back.
