
Tuesday 7 August 2012

Mono Monday plus October 3, 2010

Apple tree

I just didn't know what photo to take this week, so decided it is Autumn and my apple tree had enough apples. Before we took them off I took a photo, although this only shows a few, the rest were hiding amongst the leaves.

I was a bit lazy this week, so didn't do any photoshop stuff, just put it into Piknik and monochromed it. I then decided to bring the apples back with their colour. Now that was not so easy. The whole picture was black and white and I could not find the apples any more. I had to reopen the original photo on my computer, make it smaller and stick it next to the one I was working on to see where the apples could be. I think I found most of them. Afterwards I did something with the photo, but cannot remember what. It sort of enhanced the black and white somehow. Was it Holgoisch? I just cannot remember. Anyhow I also brought the mauve colour back of the bush on the left front. I think I also dodged around on the colours to make them stronger. Eventually I did a mirror frame around it colouring it a bit reddish and here is the result.

Apple tree

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