
Friday 6 February 2009

MULTIPLY Creative Challenge #39: Exhilaration

River Rafting

Are you now ready, the time is just right
The raft is waiting, there might be a fight
A mountain stream, its beginning so soft
But down in the valley the water has coughed
itself to high speeds, ripping stones in its wake
So put the helmet on just for safety’s sake
I approach the raft with careful steps
I need no help for extra peps
The journey begins, take the oar in hand
now there is just water, we have left the land
Rapids are ahead, but I have no worry
Just take it easy, no need to hurry
Our boats man is strong, his skin is so brown
He is also good looking, I won’t wear a frown
I now feel relaxed as our small raft speeds on
My trust in the boats man makes all my fears gone
We now turn a corner the boat makes a jump
So hold your oar steady, the stream has a bump
Up and down and now to and fro
This is the life, I do not want to go
I could stay on this trip forever and a day
The exhilaration is perfect, I just want to stay
But slowly the water has calmed we are finished
The strength of the stream has now been diminished
The raft come to a stop, the river banks we meet
Where a picnic is waiting, such fine things to eat.

Creative Challenge #39: Exhilarating

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